Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  Syntax:   [ELSE]IFB expression
            [ELSE]IFNB expression
  See also: Conditional Assembly Directives, Relational Operators,
            .ERRB, .ERRNB, MACRO
     IFB causes assembly of a block of statements if <expression> is
     blank. IFNB causes assembly of a block of statements if <expression>
     is not blank. The <expression> field is any name, number, or
     expression; typically, it is the name of a parameter of a macro.
     See: IF Block Syntax
     Within a macro, a parameter name is replaced by an empty string if
     you call the macro without giving a corresponding argument. IFB
     and IFNB let you define default behavior when an argument is
     missing, but the :REQ and :=default MACRO parameters are preferred.