Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Conditional Assembly
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     Select a directive for more information.
     Directive     Description
     IF            Assembles block if expression is true (nonzero)
     IFE           Assembles block if expression is false (zero)
     IFB           Assembles block if expression is blank
     IFNB          Assembles block if expression is not blank
     IFDEF         Assembles block if symbol is defined
     IFNDEF        Assembles block if symbol is not defined
     IFDIF         Assembles block if arguments are different
     IFIDN         Assembles block if arguments are identical
     ELSE          Begins alternate conditional block
     ELSEIF        Begins alternate block with a new condition
     ENDIF         Ends conditional block
     There are ELSE versions of each IF condition.
     See also: Relational Operators, Conditional Error Directives,
               Control-Flow Directives