Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Memory Model Selection
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     Your choice of a memory model determines how memory is set up for
     program code and data. The following table shows attributes of the
     different memory models. Select a memory model for more information.
              Code      Data      Segment  Data and Code
              Distance  Distance  Width    Combined?
     Tiny    │ NEAR    │ NEAR    │ 16-bit │ Yes         │
     Small   │ NEAR    │ NEAR    │ 16-bit │ No          │
     Compact │ NEAR    │ FAR     │ 16-bit │ No          │
     Medium  │ FAR     │ NEAR    │ 16-bit │ No          │
     Large   │ FAR     │ FAR     │ 16-bit │ No          │
     Huge    │ FAR     │ FAR     │ 16-bit │ No          │
     Flat    │ NEAR    │ NEAR    │ 32-bit │ Yes         │
     The OPTION SEGMENT and SEGMENT directives can override the default
     segment width.
     See also: .MODEL, .386/.486 Differences, /AT Command-Line Option,
                Simplified Segment Control, Complete Segment Control,
                OPTION SEGMENT: