Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Simplified Segment Control
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     Select a directive for more information.
     Directive       Description
     .MODEL          Sets memory model, language, OS, stack
     .STARTUP        Sets up initial segment registers and stack
     .EXIT           Exits program properly
     OPTION PROLOGUE Defines prologue macro for .STARTUP
     OPTION EPILOGUE Defines epilogue macro for .STARTUP
     .CODE           Starts CODE segment
     .STACK          Starts STACK segment
     .DATA           Starts initialized DATA segment
     .DATA?          Starts uninitialized DATA segment
     .CONST          Starts constant DATA segment
     .FARDATA        Starts far initialized DATA segment
     .FARDATA?       Starts far uninitialized DATA segment
     ASSUME          Declares register assumptions
     ENDS            Ends current segment
     See also: Complete Segment Control, Predefined Symbols