Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 15h Function 90h
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  Interrupt:   15h     Function:   90h
  Title:       Device Wait
  Description:                                                 [AT] [PS/2]
     Invoked by the ROM BIOS fixed disk, floppy disk, printer, network,
     and keyboard drivers prior to performing a programmed wait for I/O
     Input                                 Output
     AH = 90h                              If no wait (driver must
     AL = Device type                      perform its own time-out)
        = 00h-7Fh Serially reusable          Carry flag: clear
                  devices                    AH = 00h
        = 80h-BFh Reentrant devices
        = C0h-FFh Wait-only calls,         If wait was performed
                  no corresponding           Carry flag: set
                  Post function
     ES:BX = segment:offset of request
             block for device types