Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 15h
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  Interrupt:   15h
  Title:       I/O Subsystem Interrupts
  Function     Name
  00h          Turn On Cassette Motor
  01h          Turn Off Cassette Motor
  02h          Read Cassette
  03h          Write Cassette
  0Fh          Format ESDI Drive Periodic Interrupt
  21h          Read/Write POST Error Log
  4Fh          Keyboard Intercept
  80h          Device Open
  81h          Device Close
  82h          Process Termination
  83h          Event Wait
  84h          Read Joystick
  85h          SysReq Key
  86h          Delay
  87h          Move Extended Memory Block
  88h          Get Extended Memory Size
  89h          Enter Protected Mode
  90h          Device Wait
  91h          Device Post
  C0h          Get System Environment
  C1h          Get Address of Extended BIOS Data Area
  C2h          Mouse Pointer
  C3h          Set Watchdog Time-Out
  C4h          Programmable Option Select