Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
LSL Instruction
 Summary Key                              Up Contents Index Back
 00001111    00000011    mod,reg,r/m      disp (0, 1, or 2)
 LSL  reg16,reg16    │ lsl   ax,bx             │ 88/86 ──
 LSL  reg32,reg32*   │                         │   286 14
                     │                         │   386 20,25
                     │                         │   486 10
 LSL  reg16,mem16    │ lsl   cx,seg_lim        │ 88/86 ──
 LSL  reg32,mem32*   │                         │   286 16
                     │                         │   386 21,26
                     │                         │   486 10
  * 80386/486 only.
    The first value is for byte granular; the second is for page