Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Start Code Segment
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  Syntax:   .CODE [name]
  See also: @code, .MODEL, .DATA, .STACK, @CodeSize,
            Table of Memory Models
     Starts a code segment (with segment name <name>, if given)
     and ends the previous segment, if any. Aligns the segment on a
     2-byte boundary (.8086, .186, .286) or a 4-byte boundary (.386,
     .486). The .MODEL directive must precede this directive.
     Segment name <name> is an optional parameter that overrides the
     default segment name. If <name> is not specified, the assembler
     generates a segment called _TEXT (tiny, small, compact, and flat
     models) or <modulename>_TEXT (medium, large, and huge models).