bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
COLOR Statement
  Syntax  Details  Example                 Contents  Index  Back
COLOR [foreground&] [,[background&] [,border&]]    Screen mode 0 (text only)
COLOR [background&] [,palette%]                    Screen mode 1
COLOR [foreground&]                                Screen mode 4
COLOR [foreground&] [,background&]                 Screen modes 7-10
COLOR [foreground&]                                Screen modes 12, 13
   ■ foreground&    Text color attribute in screen mode 0; text or
                    line-drawing display color in screen mode 4; text
                    and line-drawing color attribute in screen modes
                    7-10, 12, and 13.
   ■ background&    Color code or color attribute for screen background.
   ■ border&        Color code for the area surrounding the screen.
   ■ palette%       In screen mode 1, one of two three-color palettes:
                        0 is green, red, and brown;
                        1 is cyan, magenta, and bright white.
See Also    Attributes and Colors    DRAW    PALETTE, PALETTE USING
            SCREEN Statement