bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WINDOW Statement
  Syntax  Details  Example                 Contents  Index  Back
WINDOW [[SCREEN] (x1!,y1!)-(x2!,y2!)]
  ■ If all arguments are omitted, the window coordinates will be the same
    as the viewport coordinates.
  ■ SCREEN              If omitted, the origin of the window y-axis is
                        at the lower-left corner of the window (as in the
                        Cartesian coordinate system); if used, the origin is
                        at the upper-left corner.
  ■ (x1!,y1!)-(x2!,y2!) The coordinates y1!, y2!, x1!, and x2! are
                        single-precision expressions specifying the top,
                        bottom, left, and right sides of the window,
See Also    CLS    SCREEN Statement    VIEW    WIDTH