bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Editing Keystrokes
  Configuring Keys  Key Functions            Contents  Index  Back
 Function          QuickBASIC       Microsoft Editor   BRIEF       Epsilon
═══════════        ══════════════   ════════════════   ═════════   ═════════
 Backspace         Ctrl+H           Ctrl+H             Ctrl+H      Ctrl+H
 Beep              Ctrl+B           Ctrl+B             Esc         Ctrl+C
*BegLine           Ctrl+Q,S         --                 --          --
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+S
*BegPgm            Ctrl+Home        --                 Ctrl+PgUp   Ctrl+Home
                   Ctrl+Q,R                                        Esc, <
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+R
 Cancel            Esc             Esc                 Esc         F12
 Cancel2           F12             F12                 F12         Esc
 Change            Ctrl+Q,A        Ctrl+L              Alt+T       Esc, %
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+A
*CharLeft          Ctrl+S          Ctrl+S              Left        Ctrl+B
                   Left                                            Left
*CharRight         Ctrl+D          Ctrl+D              Right       Ctrl+F
                   Right                                           Right
 Copy              Shift+Ins       --                  --          --
 Cut (Selected)    Shift+Del       --                  --          --
 Cut (Current)     Ctrl+Y          --                  --          --
 Cut (To EOL)      Ctrl+Q,Y        --                  --          --
 Del               Delete          Delete              Delete      Delete
                   Ctrl+G          Ctrl+G                          Ctrl+D
 DelWord           Ctrl+T                                          Esc, D
 DoEsc             Esc             --                  --          --
 DoQuoteCharacter  Ctrl+P          Ctrl+P              Alt+Q       Ctrl+Q
*DoTab             Tab             Tab                 Tab         Tab
*EndLine           End             End                 End         End
                   Ctrl+Q,D                                        Ctrl+E
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+D
*EndPgm            Ctrl+End        --                  Ctrl+PgDn   Ctrl+End
                   Ctrl+Q,C                                        Esc, >
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+C
*EndScn            Ctrl+Q,X        --                  Ctrl+Down   --
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+X
 EraseEOL          Ctrl+Q,Y        Alt+A, Ctrl+Y       Alt+K       Ctrl+K
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+Y
 Find              Ctrl+\          --                  --          Ctrl+S
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+F
 GotoBookMark0     Ctrl+Q,0        --                  --          --
 GotoBookMark1     Ctrl+Q,1        --                  --          --
 GotoBookMark2     Ctrl+Q,2        --                  --          --
 GotoBookMark3     Ctrl+Q,3        --                  --          --
*HomeLine          Home            Home                Home        Home
*HomeScn           Ctrl+Q,E        --                  Ctrl+Home   --
                   Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+E
 KillLine          Ctrl+Y         Ctrl+Y               --          --
*LineDown          Down           Down                 Down        Down
                   Ctrl+X         Ctrl+X                           Ctrl+N
*LineUp            Up             Up                   Up          Up
                   Ctrl+E         Ctrl+E                           Ctrl+P
 Menu              Alt            F11                  Alt         Alt
 Menu2             F11            Alt+M                F11         F11
 NewLine           Ctrl+Y         Ctrl+Y               Ctrl+M      Ctrl+M
 NextLine          Ctrl+J         --                   --          Ctrl+J
*PageDown          PgDn           PgDn                 PgDn        PgDn
                   Ctrl+Y         Ctrl+Y                           Ctrl+V
*PageLeft          Ctrl+PgUp      --                   --          Ctrl+PgUp
*PageRight         Ctrl+PgDn      --                   --          Ctrl+PgDn
*PageUp            PgUp           PgUp                 PgUp        PgUp
                   Ctrl+R         Ctrl+R                           Esc, V
 Paste             Shift+Ins      --                   --          --
 Redo              Ctrl+Bksp      --                   --          --
*ScrollDown        Ctrl+ZX        Ctrl+Z               Ctrl+D      Ctrl+Z
                   Ctrl+Down                                       Ctrl+Down
*ScrollUp          Ctrl+W         Ctrl+W               Ctrl+U      Ctrl+Up
                   Ctrl+Up                                         Esc, Z
 SetBookMark0      Ctrl+K,0       --                   --          --
 SetBookMark1      Ctrl+K,1       --                   --          --
 SetBookMark2      Ctrl+K,2       --                   --          --
 SetBookMark3      Ctrl+K,3       --                   --          --
 SplitLine         Ctrl+N         Ctrl+N               --          Ctrl+O
 ToggleInsertMode  Ins            Ins                  Alt+I       Ins
                   Ctrl+V         Ctrl+V
 Undo              Alt+Bksp       Alt+H                --          --
*WordLeft          Ctrl+Left      Ctrl+Left            Ctrl+Left   Ctrl+Left
                   Ctrl+A         Ctrl+A                           Esc, B
*WordRight         Ctrl+Right     Ctrl+Right           Ctrl+Right  Ctrl+Right
                   Ctrl+F         Ctrl+F                           Esc, F
* These functions are affected by the Shift key. If you press the Shift key
  using these functions, text is selected as the cursor moves to its new
  position. For example, if you press Ctrl+Shift+End or Ctrl+Shift+D
  (Endline), all the text from the current cursor position to the end of the
  current line is selected. If you then press Shift+Del, the selected text
  is copied to the Clipboard.