bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Key Functions
  Configuring Keys  Editing Keys             Contents  Index  Back
Function           Description
Backspace          Moves the cursor left and erases the character in that
Beep               Causes the computer to beep, usually when an unassigned
                   key is pressed.
BegLine            Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line (column
                   1), ignoring any indentation.
BegPgm             Moves the cursor to the beginning of the program (line
                   1, column 1).
Cancel             Closes Help windows and cancels dialog boxes.
Cancel2            Cancels menus.
Change             Searches for selected text and changes it to something
CharLeft           Moves the cursor one character left.
CharRight          Moves the cursor one character right.
Copy               Copies selected text to Clipboard, keeping it.
Cut                Copies selected text to Clipboard, deleting it.
Del                Deletes the character under the cursor.
DelWord            Deletes the word from the cursor position to the next
                   white space character.
DoEsc              Cancels the current selected text.
DoQuoteCharacter   Inserts the next typed character into the text (except
                   carriage returns, linefeeds, and nulls). This allows
                   you to insert characters such as Ctrl+C.
DoTab              Indents the entire defined block by one tab setting. A
                   shifted DoTab removes the tabs from a block.
EndLine            Moves the cursor to the last nonspace character in the
                   current line.
EndPgm             Moves the cursor to column 1 of the last line in the
                   current file.
EndScn             Moves the cursor to the bottom line of the current
                   screen. The current column is maintained.
EraseEol           Erases all characters from the cursor position to the
                   end of the line. The characters are placed in the insert
Find               Searches from the current cursor position to the end of
                   the file for defined text.
GotoBookmark0      Moves the cursor to bookmark 0.
GotoBookmark1      Moves the cursor to bookmark 1.
GotoBookmark2      Moves the cursor to bookmark 2.
GotoBookmark3      Moves the cursor to bookmark 3.
HomeLine           Moves the cursor to the first nonspace character on the
HomeScn            Moves the cursor to line 1 of the current screen,
                   maintaining the current column position.
IgnoreChar         Does nothing. In addition, prevents the editor from
                   beeping as it does for undefined keys.
KillLine           Erases everything on the current line and places the
                   line in the insert buffer.
LineDown           Moves the cursor to the next line.
LineUp             Moves the cursor to the previous line.
Menu               Activates the menu bar.
Menu2              Activates the menu bar.
NewLine            Splits the current line into two lines at the cursor
                   position. The new line is automatically indented to
                   match the line above.
NextLine           Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line.
PageDown           Moves forward one screen.
PageLeft           Moves left one screen.
PageRight          Moves one screen to the right (each line on a screen
                   can contain up to 255 characters).
PageUp             Moves back one screen.
Paste              Insert contents of Clipboard
Redo               Cancel Undo command.
ResetState         Cancels prefix tables.
ScrollDown         Scrolls down one line at a time, maintaining the current
                   cursor position.
ScrollUp           Scrolls the text up one line at a time, maintaining the
                   current cursor position.
SearchNext         Repeats the Find command.
SetBookMark0       Sets bookmark 0. You can later return to this position
                   with GotoBookMark0.
SetBookMark1       Sets bookmark 1.
SetBookMark2       Sets bookmark 2.
SetBookMark3       Sets bookmark 3.
SplitLine          Splits a line in two (like NewLine), but leaves the
                   cursor at the end of the first line instead of the
                   beginning of the second.
ToggleInsertMode   Toggles between insert mode and overtype mode.
Undo               Cancels any commands that might have been performed
                   on the current line.
WordLeft           Moves the cursor to the previous word.
WordRight          Moves the cursor to the next word.