bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Microsoft BASIC Online Help Index
  Using Help                                   Contents  Index  Back
  ELSE                     IF...THEN...ELSE Statement
  END                      END Statement
  END SUB                  SUB Statement
  END TYPE                 TYPE Statement
  ENDIF                    IF...THEN...ELSE Statement
  ENVIRON                  ENVIRON Statement
  ENVIRON$                 ENVIRON$ Function
  EOF                      EOF Function
  EQV                      EQV Operator
                           BASIC Logical Operators
                           Hierarchy of Operations
  ERASE                    ERASE Statement
  ERDEV                    ERDEV, ERDEV$ Functions
  ERDEV$                   ERDEV, ERDEV$ Functions
  ERL                      ERR, ERL Functions
  ERR                      ERR, ERL Functions
                           ERR Statement
  ERROR                    ERROR Statement
  Error-handling routines  LOCAL Keyword
  EVENT OFF                EVENT Statements
  EVENT ON                 EVENT Statements
  EVENT                    EVENT Statements
  Event trapping           KEY Statements (Event Trapping)
                           PLAY Statements (Event Trapping)
                           SIGNAL Statements
                           STRIG Statements
  Event and error trapping Setting Traps for Events and Errors
  EXIT                     EXIT Statement
  EXP                      EXP Function