bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Microsoft BASIC Online Help Index
  Using Help                                   Contents  Index  Back
  Mapping                  PMAP Function
  Memory                   Variable Storage and Memory Use
                           Managing Memory
  Menu                     Using Menus and Commands
  Metacommand              Metacommands Syntax
  MID$                     MID$ Function
                           MID$ Statement
  Minute&                  Minute& Function
  MIRR#                    MIRR# Function
  MKC$                     MKC$ Function
  MKD$                     MKD$ Function
  MKDIR                    MKDIR Statement
  MKDMBF$                  MKSMBF$, MKDMBF$ Functions
  MKI$                     MKI$ Function
  MKL$                     MKL$ Function
  MKS$                     MKS$ Function
  MKSMBF$                  MKSMBF$, MKDMBF$ Functions
  MOD                      MOD Arithmetic Operator
  Module                   BASIC Programs and Modules
  Month&                   Month& Function
  Mouse, using             Using Menus and Commands
                           Using Dialog Boxes
                           Using Help
  MOVEFIRST                Developing ISAM Databases
                           MOVEdest Statements
  MOVELAST                 MOVEdest Statements
  MOVENEXT                 MOVEdest Statements
  MOVEPREVIOUS             MOVEdest Statements
  Music                    SOUND Statement
                           PLAY Statement (Music)
                           ON PLAY Statement
                           PLAY Statements (Event Trapping)
                           PLAY Function