bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
ON SIGNAL Statement
  Syntax  Details  Example                 Contents  Index  Back
ON SIGNAL(n%) GOSUB {linenumber | linelabel}
    ■ n%               The number of the protected-mode signal:
                         n% Signal                  ║  n% Signal
                         1  Ctrl+C                  ║  5  Process flag A
                         2  Pipe connection broken  ║  6  Process flag B
                         3  Program terminated      ║  7  Process flag C
                         4  Ctrl+Break              ║
    ■ linenumber or    The first line of the event-handling routine to
      linelabel        branch to when an OS/2 signal is received.
    ■ The ON SIGNAL statement is available only for OS/2 protected mode.
See Also    SIGNAL    EVENT