bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
SCREEN Function
  Syntax  Details  Example                 Contents  Index  Back
SCREEN (line%,column% [,colorflag%])
    ■ line%         The character location; an integer expression whose
                    valid range depends on the number of lines on screen.
    ■ column%       The character location; an integer expression with
                    a value between 1 and 80, inclusive.
    ■ colorflag%    An optional numeric expression that determines which
                    information is returned:
                        Not used or 0 = return ASCII code
                                    1 = return foreground color code
    ■ The ASCII value of a specific character location on the screen,
      or the color code for that character.
See Also    Adapters and Colors    ASCII Code Table    COLOR
            PALETTE, PALETTE USING    SCREEN Statement