bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Scope Rules
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Scope Rules
The following list summarizes BASIC's scope rules for variables and
  ■ A variable is a global variable if it is declared in a DIM, REDIM,
    or COMMON statement with the SHARED attribute. Any SUB or FUNCTION
    procedure within the module can refer to the variable.
  ■ A symbolic constant is global if it is declared in a CONST statement in
    the module-level code. Symbolic constants declared in a SUB or FUNCTION
    are local.
  ■ A variable is a local variable if it appears in a procedure and is not
    declared as a global variable. You can use the name of a global
    variable as a local variable in a procedure by declaring it in the
    procedure with the STATIC statement or by using it as a formal parameter.
  ■ The SHARED statement lets you share a variable with the module-level
    code and other procedures with equivalent SHARED statements without
    making the variable a global variable.
  ■ All variables in a DEF FN function are part of the module-level code
    unless they are explicitly made local in a STATIC statement or are
    formal parameters.
See Also    Global Variables and Constants
            Local Variables and Constants
            Scope Rules - Description
            Sharing Variables
            DEF FN Functions