bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Scope Rules - Description
  Scope Rules  Variables                     Contents  Index  Back
Scope Rules - Description
Any time a variable appears in program text, BASIC follows a set of rules
to determine which object is referred to by the variable. These rules
describe a variable's scope--the range of statements over which the
variable is defined.
You may think of variables and constants as having one of two scopes: global
or local.
  ■ Global variables, once declared, may be used anywhere in a module
    to refer to some single object.
  ■ Local variables are local to some part of the module (that is, the
    module-level code or one of the procedures).
In addition, variables can be shared in such a way that they aren't quite
global nor are they completely local. This is done by using the SHARED