C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────C/C++ Language─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Keyword:   __based
  Syntax:    type __based( base ) declarator
  Summary:   Specifies that a pointer is a 16-bit value interpreted
             as an offset from <base>; or that a data object
             resides in the segment given by <base>; or that
             a function resides in the segment given by <base>.
             For the 32-bit compiler, specifies that a pointer is a
             32-bit offset from a 32-bit pointer base.
             The __based keyword supersedes the alloc_text pragma
             for specifying the location of a function. The
             alloc_text pragma is still supported for compatibility
  See also:  _bfreeseg, _bheapseg, _bmalloc, __far, __huge, __near,
             __segment, __segname, __self
             Memory models
     Based pointers can address any location in memory but are only
     two bytes in size because they contain only the offset portion
     of an address. The segment portion of the address is stored
     separately and is combined with the offset when needed. Multiple
     based pointers can share the same segment value, so they require
     less memory than far pointers.
     See: Pointers Based on a Fixed Segment
          Pointers Based on a Nonfixed Segment
          Pointers Based on the __self Keyword
          Pointers Based on Void
     You also can use the __based keyword to specify the segment in
     which data or functions reside.
     See: Data Based in a Segment
          Functions Based in a Segment