cobol1.hlp (Topic list)
COBOL Language Index - S
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──COBOL Language Index──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    same                     I-O-Control Paragraph
    screen                   Data Division
                             Screen Description Entry
                             Screen    (↑ Library of Routines)
    screen-item              Screen Description Entry
    SD                       Sort-Merge File Description Entry (SD)
    SEARCH                   SEARCH
    select                   File-Ccontrol Entry (SELECT)
    SEND                     SEND
    SET                      SET
    sign                     Data Description Entry
    SIN                      Intrinsic Function
    SORT                     Sort-Merge File Description Entry (SD)
    sort status              File-Control Entry (SELECT)
    source-computer          Source-computer
    special-names            Special-names
    SQRT                     Intrinsic Function
    STANDARD-DEVIATION       Intrinsic Function
    START                    START
    statements               Statements
    STOP                     STOP
    STRING                   STRING
    subroutines              Library of routines
    subscripting             subscripting
    Subsystem                Declare/Deallocate
    Subsystems               Declare/deallocate
    SUBTRACT                 SUBTRACT
    SUM                      Intrinsic Function
    SUPPRESS                 SUPPRESS
    switch                   Special-names
    symbolic                 Special-names
    synchronized             Data Description Entry
    syntax                   Statements