cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
link Details (↑ Command Lines)
 Key Summary                             Up Contents Index Back
     obj-names          The files containing the object code to be
                        linked. They will have been produced by the
                        COBOL compiler or other language translator.
                        If there is more than one, join them by plus
                        signs. For example: LINK STOCK1+CUST+PRN;
     run-file           The file to contain the executable code; its
                        extension is always .EXE. If you omit this,
                        obj-name.EXE is assumed, where obj-name is
                        the first file named in obj-names.
     lst-file           The file to contain the map. Its extension is
                        is always .MAP. It shows the segments,
                        symbols and addresses that result from
                        linking your program.
     libs               The library files containing the run-time
                        system modules and operating system support
                        needed. If there is more than one, join them
                        by plus signs.
     def                Definition file containing additional
                        parameters for use when linking on OS/2. It
                        is particularly used for creating dynamic
                        link libraries (.DLL).
     opts               Linker options, each preceded by a slash (/).
      If you type LINK and press <Enter> without specifying the rest of
      the command line, the system prompts you for the file-names.
      The order of search of the libraries specified on the command
      line and those specified as default libraries in the object
      files can only be guaranteed if the /NOE linker option is used.
      In this case the order will be defaults before command line, in
      the order specified. Because the order cannot be guaranteed,
      you should avoid mixing the run-time system libraries. If you
      specify any run-time system libraries as defaults when
      compiling, you should not specify a run-time system library on
      the command line unless you use the /NOD linker directive.
      If you do not specify a path name with a library file, it is
      searched for in the current directory first, and then in the
      directories specified by the LIB environment variable. (When
      you ran SETUP it put the run-time system link libraries into
      the COBOL system directory and added this directory to the list
      in the LIB environment variable. You can change this variable
      using the operating system SET command.)
     See your COBOL System Reference for more details of this command