CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
CodeView FORTRAN Expressions
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     CodeView evaluates FORTRAN expressions according to the same rules
     as the Microsoft FORTRAN language. The FORTRAN expression
     evaluator uses the most commonly used subset of FORTRAN operators.
     It also supports the colon (:) operator for forming addresses.
     A number of FORTRAN intrinsic functions are supported. You can
     call FORTRAN functions, but statement function names and COMMON
     block names are not allowed.
     See: FORTRAN Operators
          FORTRAN Intrinsic Functions
          FORTRAN Constants
          FORTRAN Symbols
          FORTRAN Strings
     With the FORTRAN expression evaluator, the period (.) has its
     normal use as the structure member operator, but it can also be
     used to specify local variables in routines. The syntax is
     The <variable> must be a local variable within <routine>.
     When an expression in FORTRAN is used as an argument with a
     command that takes multiple arguments, such as the
     Fill Memory (F) command, the expression should not contain spaces.
     For example, COUNT+6 is allowed, but COUNT + 6 may be interpreted
     as three arguments. Some commands such as the Display Expression
     command take only one argument; these commands permit spaces in