CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
CodeView FORTRAN Operators
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     The CodeView FORTRAN operators are listed in order of precedence
     from high to low. The rules separate precedence levels.
     Operator                        Description
     ( )                             Array indexing
     .                               Structure member, routine.local
     :                               Address-formation (segment:offset)
     +                               Unary plus
     -                               Unary minus
     *                               Multiplication
     /                               Division
     +                               Addition
     -                               Subtraction
     .LT. .LE. .EQ. .NE. .GT. .GE.   Relational
     .NOT.                           Logical NOT
     .AND.                           Logical AND
     .OR.                            Logical OR
     .EQV. .NEQV.                    Equivalence
     =                               Assignment
     The FORTRAN expression evaluator does not support the character-
     concatenation operator (//) or the exponentiation operator (**).
     Relational operators are not supported for string variables or