CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Options Menu: Memory Window Command
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     The Memory Window command defines the display characteristics of
     the active Memory window.
     ┌──▼─ Memory Window Options ────┐ │
     │       for Memory Window #     │ │
     │                               │ │
     │ ( ) Ascii Character           │ ■ Select display format
     │ ( ) Byte                      │
     │ ( ) Word                      │
     │ ( ) Double Word               │
     │ ( ) Integer                   │
     │ ( ) Unsigned Integer          │
     │ ( ) Short Real                │
     │ ( ) Long Real                 │ ■ Select to evaluate
     │ ( ) Ten-Byte Real             │ │ Address Expression
     │                               │ │ after each instruction
     │    [ ] Live Expression ──────┼─┘
     │                               │
     │ Address Expression: [········]─■ Enter memory expression of
     │                               │   address to be displayed
                                       ■ Choose <OK>
     See: Make Window Active (S, M) Command-Window Command
          Memory Window Formats