CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Options Menu
                                             Up Contents Index Back
     │ Source Window...   │ ■ Source-window display
     │ Memory Window...   │ ■ Memory-window display
     │ Trace Speed...     │ ■ Program-animation speed
     │ Language...        │ ■ Expression evaluator
     │ Screen Swap        │ ■ Screen exchange
     │ Replay...          │ ■ Dynamic-replay options
     │ Case Sensitivity   │ ■ Case sensitivity of symbols
     │ 386 Instructions   │ ■ 32-bit register display
     See: Make Window Active (S, M)
          Trace Speed (T)
          Use Language (USE)
          Options (O)
     NOTE: The Language, Screen Swap, and Replay commands do not appear
           in CVW. The 386 Instructions command does not appear in CVP.