CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Go (Description)
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     The Go (G) command starts execution at the current address. If
     <breakaddress> is given, CodeView executes the program up to
     that address or until the program terminates. If no <breakaddress>
     is given, CodeView starts execution and continues to the end of
     the program or until it reaches a breakpoint.
     See: Breakpoint and View Addresses
     When CodeView reaches the end of the program in DOS or real mode
     without encountering a breakpoint, it displays the message
          Program terminated normally (number)
     where <number> is the value returned by the program, sometimes
     called the "exit" or "errorlevel" code. If your program ended with
     an 'exit(<number>)' call, <number> is the value specified in the
     call. Otherwise, <number> is the value in the AX register when the
     program terminated.
     In the protected-mode version of CodeView (CVP), the Go command
     passes control to the operating system, which executes all program
     threads that are not frozen (equivalent to the ~*G command). After
     it reaches the end of the program, CodeView displays the message
          Thread terminated (number)
     This message indicates that thread 1 has terminated and that
     CodeView is ready to execute the ExitList code. If you enter a
     second Go command, CodeView executes the ExitList code and
     displays the 'Program terminated' message shown above.
     See: Use with Thread (~) Command