Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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GrabSt struc
    gbType      dw ?       ;specifies format for grabber operation
    gbSize      dw ?       ;length (not including first 4 bytes)
    gbWidth     dw ?       ;width of bitmap in pixels
    gbHeight    dw ?       ;height of bitmap in raster lines
    gbPlanes    dw ?       ;# of color planes in the bitmap
    gbPixel     dw ?       ;# of adjacent color bits on each plane
    gbWidth2    dw ?       ;width of bitmap in 0.1 mm units
    gbHeigh2    dw ?       ;height of bitmap in 0.1 mm units
    gbBits      dw ?       ;the actual bits
GrabSt ends
The GRABST structure contains information used by the grabber to copy the
proper format to the grab buffer.
Member    Description
gbType    Specifies the format for the operation. It can be one of the
          following values.
          Value             Meaning
          GT_TEXT (1)       ANSI or OEM text.
          GT_OLDBITMAP (2)  Windows bitmap format (version 2.x).
          GT_NEWBITMAP (3)  Windows bitmap format (version 3.x).
          GT_RESERVED4 (4)  Reserved; do not use.
          GT_RESERVED5 (5)  Reserved; do not use.
gbSize    Specifies the length of the structure, not including first 4
gbWidth   Specifies the width of the bitmap in pixels.
gbHeight  Specifies the height of the bitmap in raster lines.
gbPlanes  Specifies the number of color planes in the bitmap.
gbPixel   Specifies the number of adjacent color bits on each plane.
gbWidth2  Specifies the width of the bitmap in 0.1 millimeter units.
gbHeigh2  Specifies the height of the bitmap in 0.1 millimeter units.
gbBits    Contains the actual bitmap data.
See Also