Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GDI Priority Queues
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The GDI library provides the priority-queue data type that is used with
device-specific fonts to sort output strings into the correct order on the
page. Priority queues are accessed through a two-byte value, known as the
key. Each key can also have two bytes of associates information, called a
The following lists the priority-queue functions, and provides a brief
description of each.
Function   Description
CreatePQ   Creates a priority queue.
DeletePQ   Deletes a priority queue.
InsertPQ   Inserts a key in a priority queue.
MinPQ      Returns the tag having the smallest key in the queue.
SizePQ     Sets the size of the priority queue.
ExtractPQ  Extracts a key from a priority queue.