Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Standard Print Dialogs
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Windows 3.1 includes a set of standard print dialogs for use by Windows
applications. These dialogs provide a standard interface for users to select
and change printer settings, such as page range, number of copies, and print
To support the standard print dialogs, a printer driver must export the
ExtDeviceMode and DeviceCapabilities functions. The dialogs call these
functions to get the necessary settings for the standard dialog boxes. If a
printer driver does not export these functions, no printer settings can be
set from within an application using the standard dialog. In such cases, the
dialog boxes are displayed, but the printer settings fields are disabled
(greyed out) and the driver is forced to use the system defaults that were
previously set in Control Panel.
A printer driver can extend the capabilities of the standard print dialogs
by exporting the AdvancedSetUpDialog function. If this function is
available, the standard print dialogs display a More button. If the user
chooses the button, the dialog box calls the AdvancedSetUpDialog function
allowing the driver to display its own dialog box containing fields for
advanced printer settings, such as color, duplex printing, and screen