Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Error-Handling Functions
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The network driver can provide a variety of error-handling functions to let
File Manager and Print Manager retrieve additional information about errors
that occur over the network.
Function          Description
WNetGetError      Returns the status value (including error value) for the
                  most recent network operation.
WNetGetErrorInfo  Returns a text string describing the most recent network
If appropriate, File Manager posts error messages whenever an error is
reported by a network driver function. If the error value is WN_NET_ERROR,
the WNetGetError and WNetGetErrorText functions will be called to allow the
network driver to return a network-specific error. If these two functions
fail or are not implemented, a generic message will be used instead. Some
functions, such as connection dialogs, are allowed to post their own
messages as part of processing the dialog box. File Manager never posts
error messages if the return value is WN_SUCCESS, WN_CANCEL, or WN_CONTINUE
unless otherwise noted.