Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Network Drivers
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The Microsoft Windows network driver provides a set of generic network
functions that File Manager and other system utilities can use to make
network connections, print over the network, and keep track of jobs in
network print queues. This topic describes the network driver functions, and
explains how the network driver interacts with existing network software.
The following topics provide useful information about network drivers:
About the Network Driver
    Initializing the Driver
    Enabling and Disabling the Driver
    Network Capabilities
    Connection Functions
    Printing Functions
    Dialog Functions
    Adminstrative Functions
    Long Filename Functions
    Error-Handling Functions
    User Functions
About the Network Driver Support Software
    Network Support for Enhanced-Mode Windows
    Networks in Standard-Mode Windows
Network Functions and Structures