dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosOpen2 (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
USHORT DosOpen2(pszFileName, phfHand, pusAction, ulFileSize,
    usAttribute, usOpenFlags, ulOpenMode, peaop, ulReserved);
PSZ pszFileName;       /* pointer to filename                          */
PHFILE phfHand;        /* pointer to variable for file handle          */
PUSHORT pusAction;     /* pointer to variable for action taken         */
ULONG ulFileSize;      /* file size if file is created or truncated    */
USHORT usAttribute;    /* file attribute                               */
USHORT usOpenFlags;    /* action if file exists/does not exist         */
ULONG ulOpenMode;      /* open mode of file                            */
PEAOP peaop;           /* pointer to structure for extended attributes */
ULONG ulReserved;      /* must be zero                                 */
The DosOpen2 function opens an existing file or creates a new file. This
function returns a handle that can be used to read from and write to the
file, as well as to retrieve information about the file.
For compatibility with future versions of MS OS/2, the DosOpen2 function
should be used instead of the DosOpen function.
Parameter    Description
pszFileName  Points to the null-terminated string that specifies the name of
             the file to be opened. The string must be a valid MS OS/2
             filename and must not contain wildcard characters.
phfHand      Points to the variable that receives the handle of the opened
pusAction    Points to the variable receiving the value that specifies the
             action taken by the DosOpen2 function. If DosOpen2 fails, this
             value has no meaning. Otherwise, it is one of the following
             Value           Meaning
             FILE_CREATED    File was created.
             FILE_EXISTED    File already existed.
             FILE_TRUNCATED  File existed and was truncated.
ulFileSize   Specifies the file's new size (in bytes). The size
             specification has no effect on a file that is opened only for
usAttribute  Specifies the file attributes. This parameter can be a
             combination of the following values:
             Value          Meaning
             FILE_NORMAL    File can be read from or written to.
             FILE_READONLY  File can be read from, but not written to.
             FILE_HIDDEN    File is hidden and does not appear in a
                            directory listing.
             FILE_SYSTEM    File is a system file.
             FILE_ARCHIVED  File has been archived.
             File attributes apply only if the file is created.
usOpenFlags  Specifies the action to take both when the file exists and when
             it does not exist. This parameter can be one of the following
             Value                        Meaning
             FILE_CREATE                  Create a new file; fail if the
                                          file already exists.
             FILE_OPEN                    Open an existing file; fail if the
                                          file does not exist.
             FILE_OPEN | FILE_CREATE      Open an existing file, or create
                                          the file if it does not exist.
             FILE_TRUNCATE                Open an existing file and change
                                          its size to a given size.
             FILE_TRUNCATE | FILE_CREATE  Open an existing file and truncate
                                          it, or create the file if it does
                                          not exist.
ulOpenMode   Specifies the modes with which to open the file. This parameter
             consists of one access mode and one share mode. All other
             values are optional; one locality mode can be specified; and
             the other values can be given in any combination:
             Value                        Meaning
             OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY         Data can be read from the file but
                                          not written to it.
             OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE        Data can be read from or written
                                          to the file.
             OPEN_ACCESS_WRITEONLY        Data can be written to the file
                                          but not read from it.
             OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE          Other processes can open the file
                                          for any access: read-only,
                                          write-only, or read-write.
             OPEN_SHARE_DENYREAD          Other processes can open the file
                                          for write-only access, but they
                                          cannot open it for read-only or
                                          read-write access.
             OPEN_SHARE_DENYREADWRITE     The current process has exclusive
                                          access to the file. No process
                                          (including the current process)
                                          can open the file.
             OPEN_SHARE_DENYWRITE         Other processes can open the file
                                          for read-only access, but they
                                          cannot open it for write-only or
                                          read-write access.
             OPEN_FLAGS_DASD              The file handle represents a
                                          physical drive that has been
                                          opened for direct access. (The
                                          pszFileName parameter must specify
                                          a drive name.) The DosDevIOCtl
                                          function can be used with this
                                          file handle to bypass the file
                                          system and to access the sectors
                                          of the drive directly.
             OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR     Any function that uses the file
                                          handle returns immediately with an
                                          error value if there is an I/O
                                          error──for example, when the drive
                                          door is open or a sector is
                                          missing. If this value is not
                                          specified, the system passes the
                                          error to the system critical-error
                                          handler, which then reports the
                                          error to the user with a
                                          hard-error pop-up message. The
                                          fail-on-error flag is not
                                          inherited by child processes. The
                                          fail-on-error flag applies to all
                                          functions that use the file
                                          handle, with the exception of the
                                          DosDevIOCtl function.
             OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT         The file handle is not available
                                          to any child process started by
                                          the current process. If this value
                                          is not specified, any child
                                          process started by the current
                                          process can use the file handle.
             OPEN_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH     This flag applies to functions
                                          (for example, DosWrite) that write
                                          data to the file. If this value is
                                          specified, the system writes data
                                          to the device before the given
                                          function returns. Otherwise, the
                                          system can store the data in a
                                          buffer and write the data to the
                                          device only when the buffer is
                                          full or the file is closed.
             OPEN_FLAGS_NO_LOCALITY       There is no specific information
                                          regarding the locality of
                                          reference (the degree of
                                          randomness with which the file is
             OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL        The file is accessed
             OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOM            The file is accessed randomly.
             OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOMSEQUENTIAL  The file is accessed randomly, but
                                          there is a degree of sequential
                                          I/O within that random access. For
                                          example, this flag is specified if
                                          large blocks of data are to be
                                          read or written at random
                                          locations in the file.
             OPEN_FLAGS_NO_CACHE          The disk driver should not cache
                                          data in I/O operations on this
peaop        Points to an EAOP structure that defines extended attributes
             for the file. If this value is NULL, the file will not use
             extended attributes. Before you call the DosOpen2 function, the
             fpFEAList field of the EAOP structure must point to a data area
             where the relevant extended-attribute information is stored.
ulReserved   Specifies a reserved value; must be zero.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
The read/write pointer is initially set at the first byte of the file.
The ulFileSize parameter affects the size of the file only when it is
created, truncated, or replaced. The value specified for this parameter is
the recommended file size. The file can be opened even if allocation of the
full number of bytes fails.
The value of the usOpenFlags parameter provides a disk-access mechanism that
is independent of the file system. When this value is used, the DosOpen2
function returns a handle to the calling process that represents the
physical drive as a file. In order to prevent other processes from accessing
the disk, the calling process must also issue a DosDevIOCtl DSK_LOCKDRIVE
subcall, which requires the file handle returned by the DosOpen2 function
for the physical drive.
Extended attributes that require contiguous disk space may cause the
function to fail if the file system is unable to allocate contiguous space.
DosOpen2 sets extended attributes when a file is created, replaced, or
truncated. Extended attributes are ordinarily set when a file is opened for
reading. When a file is replaced, the extended attributes are also replaced.
Extended attributes are discarded if the peaop parameter is NULL.
The pszFileName parameter cannot point to a volume label, because volume
labels cannot be opened.
Any sharing restrictions placed on a file when it is opened are removed when
it is closed. When a file is inherited by a child process, all sharing and
access restrictions are also inherited.
The DosOpen2 function can be used to open the client end of a named pipe and
return a handle of the pipe. The pipe must be in "listen" state for the open
operation to succeed; otherwise the open operation fails and the
ERROR_PIPE_BUSY error value is returned. Until a given instance of a named
pipe has been closed by a client, that same instance cannot be opened by
another client; however, the opening process can duplicate the open handle
as many times as required. The access and sharing modes specified when a
pipe is opened must be consistent with the modes specified in the call to
the DosMakeNmPipe function. Pipes are always opened with the pipe-specific
states set to lock read and write operations and are read as a byte stream.
See Also
DosClose, DosDevIOCtl, DosDupHandle, DosMakeNmPipe, DosOpen,
DosSetFHandState, DosSetFileInfo, EAOP