dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosSetFileInfo (1.2)
Function Group  Overview  Changes               Up Next Previous
USHORT DosSetFileInfo(hf, usInfoLevel, pInfoBuf, cbInfoBuf)
HFILE hf;              /* handle of file about which data is sought */
USHORT usInfoLevel;    /* level of file data required               */
PBYTE pInfoBuf;        /* pointer to file-data buffer               */
USHORT cbInfoBuf;      /* length of file-data buffer                */
The DosSetFileInfo function sets information about a specific file. The file
information consists of the date and time the file was created, the date and
time it was last accessed, the date and time it was last written to, the
size of the file, and its attributes. It can also be used to set extended
attributes for a file.
The DosSetFileInfo function is a family API function.
Parameter    Description
hf           Identifies the file about which information is to be set. This
             handle must have been created by using the DosOpen function.
usInfoLevel  Specifies the level of file information. This may be one of the
             following values:
             Value         Meaning
             FIL_STANDARD  This uses a FILESTATUS structure. Any date and
                           time fields in this structure that the file
                           system does not support should be set to zero.
             FIL_EAOP      This uses an EAOP structure, which contains the
                           file's extended-attribute information.
pInfoBuf     Points to the structure that contains the file information.
             This structure will be FILESTATUS or EAOP, depending on the
             usInfoLevel parameter.
cbInfoBuf    Specifies the length (in bytes) of the buffer that contains the
             file information.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
DosSetFileInfo works only for files opened in a mode that allows write
Prior to the function being called, the fpFEAlist field in the EAOP
structure should be initialized so that it points to the FEALIST structure
that contains the relevant FEA structure. The cbList field in the FEALIST
structure is valid, giving the size of the FEA structure.
A zero value in both the date and time components of a field causes that
field to be unchanged. For example, if both the fdateLastWrite and
ftimeLastWrite fields are zero in the FILESTATUS structure, both attributes
of the file remain unchanged. If either of these fields are nonzero, both
attributes of the file are set to the new values. If extended attributes are
modified, the file's last modification date and time are changed.
See Also
DosBufReset, DosClose, DosNewSize, DosOpen, DosSetFileMode, DosQFileInfo,