PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax: void pascal CopyBox( PFILE pfSource, PFILE pfDest,
                               COL xLeft,  LINE yTop,
                               COL xRight, LINE yBottom,
                               COL xDest,  LINE yDest );
  See:    CopyLine, CopyStream, Processing Text
     CopyBox copies a box of text from one file to another.
     The source and destination files are specified by <pfSource> and
     <pfDest>. If <pfSource> is PNULL, a box of blank spaces is inserted
     into the destination file.
     These arguments define the box to be copied:
     Argument     Position
     <xLeft>      First column
     <yTop>       First line
     <xRight>     Last column
     <yBottom>    Last line
     The text is inserted into the destination file just before the
     location specified by <xDest> and <yDest>.
     The same file can serve as source and destination, but the source
     and destination regions must not overlap. To copy overlapped
     regions, you must create a temporary intermediate file.
     If the copied box has colors, they are copied with the text.