PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  flagType Replace( char ch, COL x, LINE y, PFILE pfFile,
                             flagType fInsert );
  Returns: True if successful, otherwise false.
  See:     Getline, PutLine, Processing Text
     The Replace function inserts or replaces characters one at a time.
     The character <ch> is the new character. It goes into the file
     specified by <pfFile> at column <x>, row <y>. If <fInsert> is
     FALSE, it replaces the character at the given position. If
     <fInsert> is TRUE, it is inserted at the given position.
     Replace is typically used in a loop to insert or replace sequences
     of characters. Alternatively, you can get a copy of a line with
     GetLine, modify the copy, and then replace the original line with