PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
What Are PWB Extensions?
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     A Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) extension is a C-language module
     that you program to modify the behavior of the PWB editor. An
     extension module can contain code (functions) and data (switches).
     An extension function acts like any other PWB function, such as
     Insert or Ldelete, except that you must program and determine its
     Once you program the functions of an extension, you compile and
     link to create an extension module. The module can then be loaded
     into PWB by means of the TOOLS.INI file or load command.
     Extension functions become part of the editor. You can assign them
     to keys, call them from macros, or use them in any other way that
     you would use the built-in PWB functions.
     Writing extensions and macros are two ways of enhancing PWB.
     Extensions are more powerful and sometimes faster than macros.
     However, they are difficult to program.
     Many of PWB's capabilities are provided by extensions. For example,
     PWBUTILS provides the NMAKE, LINK and CodeView options commands,
     PWBROWSE gives you the source browser, and PWBHELP implements the
     online Help system.
     The standard Microsoft extensions display general dialog boxes and
     some interact with the build process. However, dialog boxes and
     interaction with the build process are not supported for your
     extensions. Only simple message boxes, status boxes, and standard
     file-picker dialog boxes can be defined by your extensions.
     iHow Extensions Work
     iWriting Extensions
     iLoading Extensions