Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software,
purely for historical purposes.
If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming,
you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully
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─────$FREEFORM and $NOFREEFORM──────────────────────────────────────────────
$NOFREEFORM specifies that a source file is in standard FORTRAN
format; $FREEFORM specifies that a source file is in free-form
This metacommand must precede any FORTRAN statements.
$FREEFORM allows source code to use the following format:
■ A double quotation mark (") in column 1 indicates a comment
line. An exclamation point outside a character or Hollerith
constant indicates the beginning of an in-line comment.
■ Initial lines may start in any column.
■ The first nonblank character of an initial line may be a
digit (the first digit in a statement number). The statement
number may be from one to five decimal digits.
■ If the last nonblank, noncomment character of a line is a
minus sign, it is discarded and the next line is taken to
be a continuation line.
■ Alphabetic characters and asterisks are not allowed as
comment markers in column 1.
The $[NO]FREEFORM metacommand is equivalent to the /4{Y | N}f
compiler option.
"The sine of the number x is calculated using a power series.
"Successive terms are calculated until one is less than epsi.
REAL x, epsi, z, sine, next
epsi = 0.0001
WRITE (*, 100)
100 FORMAT (1X, 'ENTER x: ' \)
READ (*, '(F10.5)') x
z = AMOD (x, 6.2831853)
sine = z
i = 4.0
next = -z * z * z / 6.0
200 IF (ABS (next) .GE. epsi) THEN
sine = sine + next
next = -next * z * z / (i * (i + 1.0))
i = i + 2.0
GOTO 200
WRITE (*, 300) x, sine
300 FORMAT (1X, 'THE SINE OF ', F10.5, -
' = ', F12.10)