◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────LINK─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Syntax: /DY[NAMIC]:number The /DYNAMIC option sets the limit on the number of interoverlay calls in an overlaid DOS program. The default limit is 256. The <number> is a decimal integer in the range 1-10,922. Specify a higher limit if LINK issues the error "too many interoverlay calls". Lower the limit to create a smaller table of interoverlay calls, saving space in your program. To determine the most efficient <number>, run LINK using the /INFO option, then relink using /DYNAMIC:calls, where <calls> is the value generated in the output line labelled NUMBER OF INTEROVERLAY CALLS. See: ◄Creating Overlaid DOS Programs► ◄/INFO Option► -♦-