LINK Help (linker.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Creating Overlaid DOS Programs
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     LINK creates an overlaid DOS program when you provide a .DEF file
     that specifies overlays.
     The tools for creating overlaid programs are LINK 5.30 and the
     Microsoft Overlaid Virtual Environment (MOVE) in MOVE.LIB, a
     component of the combined libraries for medium and large models
     provided with Microsoft C version 7.0 and later.
     An overlaid program consists of one .EXE file that remains open
     during execution. MOVE reads this file when it needs to load an
     overlay. Overlays are loaded on call; initially, only the root of
     the program is loaded into memory.
     Overlays occupy a heap in the available memory that is not
     occupied by the root. If expanded or extended memory is available,
     MOVE can cache the discarded overlays. If neither extended nor
     expanded memory exists, MOVE must read in each needed overlay.
     MOVE provides ways to customize your overlaid program. These
     features are discussed in the MOVEAPI.TXT file provided on disk.
     MOVE is a successor to the Microsoft Static Overlay Manager
     supported by earlier versions of LINK.
     See: Compiling for Overlays
          Creating a .DEF File for Overlays
          Linking the Overlaid Program
          MOVE Limits and Requirements
          Dynamic and Static Overlays