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Compiling for Overlays
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     Memory Models
     An overlaid program must be in either a medium or large model.
     Only the medium and large combined libraries in C/C++ version 7.0
     contain the MOVE library. Code references must be far.
     Packaged Functions
     A function can be assigned to an overlay independently from other
     functions in the same segment only if it is a packaged function. A
     function that is not packaged cannot be assigned to an overlay;
     however, its entire segment can be placed in an overlay.
     See: Packaged Functions
     Explicit Allocation
     A function is explicitly allocated if it is assigned to a segment
     at compile time. An explicitly allocated function cannot be
     assigned to a different overlay from its segment. Methods of
     explicit allocation include the following:
        ■ In C source code, the __based keyword (or its predecessor,
          the alloc_text pragma) specifies the segment where an
          individual function is to reside.
        ■ On the CL command line, the /NT option specifies the segment
          where all functions in an object file are to reside.
     Anonymous Allocation
     A function not explicitly allocated to a segment is sometimes
     referred to as an anonymous function. In programs compiled in
     medium and large models, anonymous functions are allocated to a
     segment that has a name in the form:
     where <objfile> is the name of the file containing the functions.
     MOVE Library Routines
     The MOVE library provides several routines for use in advanced
     techniques of overlay programming. These routines are described in
     the MOVEAPI.TXT file distributed with Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0.