Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  void AnimatePalette( UINT nStartIndex, UINT nNumEntries,
                       LPPALETTEENTRY lpPaletteColors );
  Parameter         Description
  <nStartIndex>     Specifies the first entry in the palette to be
  <nNumEntries>     Specifies the number of entries in the palette to be
  <lpPaletteColors> Points to the first member of an array of PALETTEENTRY
                    structures to replace the palette entries identified
                    by <nStartIndex> and <nNumEntries>.
  Replaces entries in the logical palette attached to the CPalette object.
  When an application calls AnimatePalette, it does not have to update its
  client area because Windows maps the new entries into the system palette
  The AnimatePalette function will only change entries with the
  PC_RESERVED flag set in the corresponding palPaletteEntry member of the
  LOGPALETTE structure that is attached to the CPalette object.
  See Also
  CPalette::CreatePalette, ::AnimatePalette