Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
class CPalette
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  The CPalette class encapsulates a Windows color palette. A palette
  provides an interface between an application and a color output device
  (such as a display device). The interface allows the application to take
  full advantage of the color capabilities of the output device without
  severely interfering with the colors displayed by other applications.
  Windows uses the application's logical palette (a list of needed colors)
  in conjunction with the system palette (which defines available colors)
  to determine the colors used.
  A CPalette object provides member functions for manipulating the palette
  referred to by the object. Construct a CPalette object and use its
  member functions to create the actual palette (a GDI object) and to
  manipulate its entries and other properties.
  Public Members
  CPalette   Constructs a CPalette object with no attached Windows
               palette. You must initialize the CPalette object with one
               of the other member functions before it can be used.
  CreatePalette   Initializes a CPalette object by creating a Windows
                    color palette and attaching the palette to the
                    CPalette object.
  FromHandle               Returns a pointer to a CPalette object when
                             given a handle to a Windows palette object.
                             If a CPalette object is not already attached
                             to the Windows palette, a temporary CPalette
                             object is created and attached.
  GetPaletteEntries        Retrieves a range of palette entries in a
                             logical palette.
  SetPaletteEntries        Sets RGB color values and flags in a range of
                             entries in a logical palette.
  AnimatePalette           Replaces entries in the logical palette
                             identified by the CPalette object. The
                             application does not have to update its
                             client area because Windows maps the new
                             entries into the system palette immediately.
  GetNearestPaletteIndex   Returns the index of the entry in the logical
                             palette that most closely matches a color
  ResizePalette            Changes the size of the logical palette
                             specified by the CPalette object to the
                             specified number of entries.