Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  CGdiObject* SelectObject( CGdiObject* pObject );
  CPen* SelectObject( CPen* pPen );
  CBrush* SelectObject( CBrush* pBrush );
  CFont* SelectObject( CFont* pFont );
  CBitmap* SelectObject( CBitmap* pBitmap );
  int SelectObject( CRgn* pRgn );
  Parameter   Description
  <pObject>   Identifies the object to be selected.
              Note that this general version of the SelectObject member
              function does not work for regions. To select regions, see
              the version of SelectObject in the next group that is
              specialized for regions.
  <pPen>      A pointer to a CPen object to be selected.
  <pBrush>    A pointer to a CBrush object to be selected.
  <pFont>     A pointer to a CFont object to be selected.
  <pBitmap>   A pointer to a CBitmap object to be selected.
  <pRgn>      A pointer to a CRgn object to be selected.
  Selects an object into the current device context. Class CDC provides a
  general version of SelectObject and five versions specialized for
  particular kinds of GDI objects, including pens, brushes, fonts,
  bitmaps, and regions.
  The newly selected object replaces the previous object of the same type.
  For example, if <pObject> of the general version of SelectObject points
  to a CPen object, the function replaces the current pen with the pen
  specified by <pObject>.
  Note that class CMetaFileDC overrides the SelectObject member
  function. The CMetaFileDC class is derived from class CDC specifically
  for use with metafiles. For information on object selection in
  metafiles, see the CMetaFileDC class.
  An application can select a bitmap into memory device contexts only, and
  into only one memory device context at a time. The format of the bitmap
  must either be monochrome or compatible with the specified device; if it
  is not, SelectObject returns an error.
  Return Value
  A pointer to a CGdiObject object or to an object of one of the classes
  derived from CGdiObject, such as CPen, depending on which version of the
  function used. The object pointed to is being replaced by the object
  specified by the function's parameter. It is NULL if there is an error.
  For the version of the member function that takes a region parameter,
  <pRgn>, the return value is one of the following:
  Value           Meaning
  COMPLEXREGION   New clipping region has overlapping borders.
  ERROR           Device context or region handle is not valid.
  NULLREGION      New clipping region is empty.
  SIMPLEREGION    New clipping region has no overlapping borders.
  See Also
  CGdiObject::DeleteObject, CDC::SelectClipRgn, CDC::SelectPalette,