◄CObject► ◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ──Microsoft Foundation Classes────────────────────────────────────────────── virtual void Dump( CDumpContext& dc ) const; Parameter Description <dc> The diagnostic dump context for dumping, usually afxDump. Remarks Dumps the contents of your object to a ◄CDumpContext► object. When you write your own class, you should override the Dump function to provide diagnostic services for yourself and other users of your class. The overridden Dump usually calls the Dump function of its base class before printing data members unique to the derived class. CObject::Dump prints the class name if your class uses the IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC or IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro. NOTE: Your Dump function should not print a newline at the end of its output. Dump calls make sense only in the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation library. Bracket calls, function declarations, and function implementations with #ifdef _DEBUG/#endif statements for conditional compilation. Since Dump is a const function, you are not permitted to change the object state during the dump. The ◄CDumpContext operator <<► calls Dump when a CObject pointer is inserted. Dump permits only "acyclic" dumping of objects. You can dump a list of objects, for example, but if one of the objects is the list itself, you will eventually overflow the stack. Example void CAge::Dump( CDumpContext &dc ) const { CObject::Dump( dc ); dc << "Age = " << m_years; } -♦-