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WM_QUIT (1.2)
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The WM_QUIT message is posted to terminate an application. The WinGetMsg
function returns FALSE when it receives this message. A message-processing
loop should terminate when WinGetMsg returns FALSE. For more information,
see the description of the WinGetMsg function.
This message does not have any parameters.
Return Value
This message does not have a return value because it causes the message loop
to terminate before the message is sent to the application's window
In this example, a WM_CLOSE message is received. If the fChanges flag is
set, the application calls a function to determine if the user wants to save
the changes before exiting. This function (called QuerySaveFile in this
example) would ask the user if he or she wants to save the changes. If the
user selects OK, it would save the changes. If the user selects Cancel, the
function returns this value and the application continues normal execution.
Otherwise, it posts a WM_QUIT message to terminate the application.
case WM_CLOSE:
if (fChanges) { /* changes have not been saved */
if (QuerySaveFile(hwnd) == MB_CANCEL) {
return (0L); /* do not exit after all */
WinPostMsg(hwnd, WM_QUIT, 0L, 0L);
return (0L);
See Also
WinGetMsg, WinPostMsg