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mp1 = 0L;    /* not used, must be zero */
mp2 = 0L;    /* not used, must be zero */
The WM_SAVEAPPLICATION message notifies an application to save its current
state (for example, due to a pending system shutdown).
This message does not use any parameters.
When a system shutdown is requested, MS OS/2 enumerates the applications in
the Task List and sends each application a WM_SAVEAPPLICATION message. The
sender of the WM_SAVEAPPLICATION message suspends execution until it
receives a reply. The receiving application must not display dialog or
message boxes. Doing so could delay the reply and result in unacceptable
delays in completing the shutdown.
In MS OS/2, version 1.2, the application must save its state to the os2.ini
file by using the WinWriteProfileString or WinWriteProfileData function, or
it must save its state to some other file.
To be compatible with future releases of MS OS/2, an application should call
WinDefWindowProc after processing the WM_SAVEAPPLICATION message.
Each application should maintain only one "saved state." If an application
receives multiple WM_SAVEAPPLICATION messages, it should overwrite the
previous "saved state" with a new "saved state" for each new
See Also
WinDefWindowProc, PrfWriteProfileData, PrfWriteProfileString