msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Advanced Vio functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
VioAssociate          Associates a Vio pres. space with a device context
VioCreateLogFont      Creates a logical font
VioCreatePS           Creates an AVIO presentation space
VioDeleteSetId        Deletes a logical font
VioDestroyPS          Destroys an AVIO presentation space
VioGetDeviceCellSize  Retrieves the current device cell size
VioGetOrg             Retrieves the origin of a presentation space
VioQueryFonts         Retrieves information about fonts
VioQuerySetIds        Retrieves all loaded fonts
VioSetDeviceCellSize  Sets the device cell size
VioSetOrg             Sets the origin for a presentation space
VioShowPS             Updates the display
WinDefAVioWindowProc  Calls the default AVIO window procedure