msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Function groups (1.2)
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Accelerator functions
Advanced Vio functions
Area functions
Atom functions
Bitmap functions
Clipboard functions
Clipping functions
Code-page functions
Color and mix-mode functions
Coordinate-space and transformation functions
Cursor functions
Dialog-and-message-box functions
Dynamic data exchange (DDE) functions
Dynamic-link functions
Enumeration functions
Error functions
File functions
Font and text-output functions
Frame-window functions
Heap functions
Help functions
Hook functions
Initialization-file functions
Line and arc functions
Marker functions
Memory-allocation functions
Metafile functions
Monitor functions
Mouse-and-keyboard-input functions
Moving-and-changing functions
Multitasking functions
Named-pipe functions
Path functions
PM Message functions
Pointer functions
Presentation-space functions
Queue functions
Rectangle functions
Region functions
Retained-graphics functions
Semaphore functions
Signal functions
System-information functions
Thread functions
Timer functions
Window functions
Window-drawing functions
Window-relationship functions