msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Combination-box styles (1.2)
Control Classes                                     Up Next Previous
Style             Description
CBS_SIMPLE        Creates a combination-box control containing a list box
                  and an entry field. Both are visible at all times. The
                  user can enter and edit text in the entry field or choose
                  items from the list box.
CBS_DROPDOWN      Creates a combination-box control containing an entry
                  field and a drop-down icon that appears as a
                  downward-pointing arrow adjacent to the entry field. The
                  list box appears only if the user selects the icon. If the
                  user selects the drop-down icon a second time, the control
                  hides the list box. The user can enter and edit text in
                  the entry field or choose items from the list box.
CBS_DROPDOWNLIST  Same as CBS_DROPDOWN, except that the user can only choose
                  items from the list box. The user cannot enter or edit the
                  text in the entry field.