msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Frame-control flags (1.2)
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Style                Description
FCF_ACCELTABLE       Creates an accelerator table. The table is loaded from
                     the application's resource file. It should have the
                     same identifier as the menu and the icon (if any).
FCF_BORDER           Creates a window that has a single-line border. The
                     width of the border is SV_CXBORDER and the height is
                     SV_CYBORDER. For a description of these system values,
                     see the "Comments" section of the WinSetSysValue
FCF_DLGBORDER        Creates a window that has a border with an inner border
                     drawn in the active title-bar color. This style of
                     window is used most often by dialog boxes.
FCF_HORZSCROLL       Creates a horizontal scroll bar.
FCF_ICON             The created window has an icon with the same identifier
                     as the menu and accelerator table (if any). The icon is
                     used whenever the frame window is minimized.
FCF_MAXBUTTON        Creates a maximize box.
FCF_MENU             Creates an application menu.
FCF_MINBUTTON        Creates a minimize box.
FCF_MINMAX           Creates a minimize and a maximize box.
FCF_MOUSEALIGN       Aligns the initial position of the frame window
                     relative to the mouse pointer. The position of the
                     dialog window is modified to keep it within the display
                     boundaries, if possible. You can draw the dialog window
                     so that the OK button is under the mouse pointer by
                     using negative x and y position values in the dialog
FCF_NOBYTEALIGN      Allows the user to move the frame window to any
                     position on the display. If this flag is not given, a
                     frame window always adjusts its position so that the x
                     coordinate of its left edge is a multiple of 8. Using
                     this flag affects how quickly the system can draw the
                     frame window.
FCF_NOMOVEWITHOWNER  Allows the frame window to maintain its position when
                     the owner window moves. This capability applies only to
                     frame windows that are not child windows of the owner.
                     If this flag is not given, the frame window moves when
                     the owner window moves.
FCF_SCREENALIGN      Aligns the initial position of the frame window
                     relative to the display origin.
FCF_SHELLPOSITION    The Presentation Manager (shell) determines the
                     position of the window, typically in a cascaded
                     position from the last application that started.
FCF_SIZEBORDER       Creates a sizing border.
FCF_STANDARD         Creates a window that combines the FCF_ACCELTABLE,
                     FCF_TITLEBAR styles.
FCF_SYSMENU          Creates a System menu.
FCF_SYSMODAL         Creates a system-modal frame window. Setting this flag
                     is the same as using the WinSetSysModalWindow
FCF_TASKLIST         Adds the window title to the Task List. If the process
                     creating a frame window already has an entry in the
                     Task list, the window title is appended to the previous
FCF_TITLEBAR         Creates a title bar.
FCF_VERTSCROLL       Creates a vertical scroll bar.